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Ma Fernanda Antonelli
1er Retiro Ancestral
"I loved being in connection with nature, getting closer to our native peoples, being able to be part of a conversation that is so necessary in our culture"
"I recommend it to all people who want to live a beautiful experience and be able to connect with their interior and with nature"
Andrea Romero
1er Retiro Ancestral
Tatiana Sanhueza
1er Retiro Ancestral
"The Alma Yoga Tribe experience is part of a personal spiritual path, providing collective experiences and allowed me to meet other people and experiment. Thanks to the meeting I met a tribe, definitely special beings that I remember with great affection"
"The way La Fer taught us to do yoga, adapting it to each person who was at the Retiro, giving us more options, I loved it... it was a pleasure to have been with so many beautiful people"
Barbara González
2do Retiro Ancestral
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